
Procurement (Supply Chain Management)

Basic Approach

The MITSUI-SOKO Group believes that in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable and truly valuable society through our business activities, it is important to promote initiatives throughout the supply chain. We ask our suppliers to make efforts to inform their business partners about the purpose of our basic policy on responsible procurement so that they can understand and cooperate with our efforts to realize a sustainable society and fulfill their social responsibilities throughout the supply chain.


Mitsui-Soko Group Policy on Sustainable and Responsible Procurement
Mitsui-Soko Group aims to fulfill its corporate social responsibility and engage in sustainable growth together with regional communities. To that end, we work on promoting highly transparent corporate management that is committed to compliance and operating our business in a fair and lawful manner, along with pursuing economy and efficiency. To procure responsibly, we also consider societal issues within our own Group procurement practices and strive to reduce environmental impacts and address labor issues within the supply chain.
  • 1. Legal Compliance
    • We will comply with laws and social standards.
  • 2. Fair Trade
    • We will provide our business partners in and outside Japan with opportunities for fair trade and build relationships of mutual trust and cooperation through honest and fair selection and trading.
    • We will prevent corruption, prohibit inappropriate provision of benefits, cut off relations with anti-social forces, and comply with antitrust and subcontracting laws.
  • 3. Quality Management
    • We will seek optimal quality, appropriate cost and safety in products and services.
    • We will place customers first and handle requests related to our products and services sincerely.
  • 4. Environmental Conservation
    • We will actively work to minimize environmental impacts through actions such as promoting energy conservation and increasing the use of renewable energy to lower greenhouse gas emissions and reducing waste.
    • We will work to minimize waste by actively promoting waste reduction and material reuse and recycling, and comply with laws and regulations on waste disposal.
    • We will work to use water efficiently, process wastewater appropriately, manage hazardous substances appropriately and prevent leakages, and engage in biodiversity conservation.
  • 5. Respect for Human Rights and Labor Practices
    • We will comply with all laws and regulations on labor practices.
    • We will prohibit inhuman and unjust treatment of workers, including all types of discrimination, harassment and abuse.
    • We will prohibit child labor, forced labor, unfair reduction of wages and unreasonably long working hours.
    • We will respect workers’ freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.
  • 6. Health and Safety
    • We will comply with all laws and regulations on occupational safety and health.
    • We will work to ensure the safety and health of workers, and to provide and maintain appropriate working environments.
  • 7. Information Management
    • We will appropriately protect and manage confidential information and personal data acquired in the course of business activities.
We will disseminate this policy internally and externally and will implement it around the Group as well as ask and encourage our business partners (suppliers, including subcontractors) to understand and implement the policy.
November 22, 2021

Our Efforts

Briefing sessions on the risk management checklist for overall organizational operations, including local procurement, are held for managers in charge of administrative departments (including national staff) at all overseas subsidiaries, and guidance is also provided on points to note concerning procurement. In addition, for expatriate employees, training opportunities are provided prior to their assignment to ensure that they act appropriately with regard to internal environmental risks, such as fraud related to procurement and labor management in recruitment.